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Fixtures and Results Archive pages

****** Cheese and Wine Success! ******
More than 80 people came to the Cheese and Wine event on Sunday 27th November and enjoyed a great social event. Thank you to everyone who came and supported the club. Congratulations to new Ladies' Captain Eileen and her team for organising and executing such a successful event and raising the grand sum of £590 - vital for sustaining our club.
****** Defeat at Penarth, Rectory Road ******
During the close season we usually play two fixtures at the Short Mat Green at Penarth Rectory Rd. On the evening of Wednesday 16th November, a Tyrchs team, lead by new Captain, Howard Thomas made the journey to the seaside. The Pentyrch team included four ladies for the first time. Thanks to Margaret Krawiecka, Sheila Paul, Margaret Farmer and Eileen Boddington for playing. Not surprisingly, the home team, with their vast experience of a completely different playing surface to one Pentyrch are used to, had a handsome victory. 101-39. Mark Krawiecki's rink which included Howard Thomas, Russell Howell and Eillen Boddington came closest losing 15-14.
Thanks to Penarth Rectory Rd for hosting the event and for the warm welcome and fine hospitality.
Thanks to Penarth Rectory Rd for hosting the event and for the warm welcome and fine hospitality.
****** Donation to Cancer Research, Wales ******
Club Chairwoman, Jan Berry recently received a letter of thanks from Cancer research Wales acknowledging our £90 donation. We are pleased to have been able to make a contribution to the important research being done by this amazing charity. www.cancerresearchwales.co.uk
****** AGM - New club officers elected ******
The club's Annual General Meeting was held at Pentyrch Rugby Club on Monday 7th November. One item on the Agenda was the election of club officers for next season, 2016-17. Congratulations to them, and give them as much support as you can. The club will not function without them. Click here to see who they are.
****** Christmas Cheese and Wine ******
A reminder that the Christmas Cheese and Wine will be held at Pentyrch Rugby Club on Sunday 27th November at 4pm. If you have been asked to provide food by Eileen, please confirm with her that you can. It would also be helpful if you would let her know if you are going to help her plan how many to cater for. Please make every effort to attend what is always a great social event and a chance to raise some funds for the club. Non-members are very welcome so bring along some friends and relatives as well.
You can contact Eileen on 02920-899361.
You can contact Eileen on 02920-899361.
****** New clubhouse - see for yourself! ******
You've seen some of the fantastic pictures of the new pavilion, built by Courtney Homes, on this website - now there's a chance to see it for yourself. Assuming that the building is complete, (including help from members with painting and decorating) on Saturday 19th November from 11.00 am onwards the pavilion will be open for everyone to come and have a look around. Eileen, Liz and Margaret F have kindly agreed to organise the event including tea and coffee.
Update 22nd October - it does not look as if the pavilion will be ready for 19th November. The date will be rearranged for sometime in December - watch this space.
****** Annual General Meeting ******
This year's Annual General Meeting takes place at Pentyrch Rugby Club at 7.30 pm on Monday 7th November. Please make every effort to attend for election of officers, captains' reports, details of the new clubhouse and discussion and voting on many other important club issues. Agenda will be published in due course.
****** Annual Presentation Night - 25 years ******
The 25th Anniversary Season Presentation Night takes place at Creigiau Golf Club at 7.30 pm on Friday 28th October. Bookings no longer available.
****** Christmas Cheese and Wine ******
****** Season Long Raffle - more news ******
Following the success of the Season Long Raffle, the club made a donation of £90.00 to our chosen charity, Cancer Research Wales. Club Chairperson, Jan Berry presented the cheque earlier this week at their headquarters, Velindre Hospital, Whitchurch. The money will be used entirely in Wales. Once again, sincere thanks to everyone who supported the raffle and we look forward to making similar donations to charity next year.
****** Taffs Well spoil the party! ******
In the same fixture last year, Pentyrch lost the Garth Cup by one shot. Could they better it this year, in the last match of the 25th Anniversary Season? Could they win for the first time since 2005? Sadly, Taffs Well played the role of party poopers to the letter, deservedly winning with a convincing score of 106-62. The Wellmen won three rinks without too much trouble and won the other rink by one shot at the last end to rub salt into the Tyrchs' wounds.
Rink scores were as follows: Iain Russell lost 17-32 making a bit of a fightback between the 15th and 18th ends.Brian Ilbery's rink lost 13-24 starting well by winning the first four ends and then fading for most of the remainder of the match. Mark Krawiecki's rink, charitably gave Ian Best's rink a 14-1 start after 6 ends and were never going to get back after that. Colin Howson's rink put up the best display cruelly losing by one shot in the last end.
One silver lining is that the match was played with the new pavilion part-built in the background - a positive sign for the future and, hopefully an attraction for new members and players of the future.
Rink scores were as follows: Iain Russell lost 17-32 making a bit of a fightback between the 15th and 18th ends.Brian Ilbery's rink lost 13-24 starting well by winning the first four ends and then fading for most of the remainder of the match. Mark Krawiecki's rink, charitably gave Ian Best's rink a 14-1 start after 6 ends and were never going to get back after that. Colin Howson's rink put up the best display cruelly losing by one shot in the last end.
One silver lining is that the match was played with the new pavilion part-built in the background - a positive sign for the future and, hopefully an attraction for new members and players of the future.
Captain Barrie Thomas: The Taffs Well match saw the end of two years' captaincy by Barrie. He has worked extremely hard in very difficult circumstances for two years in running the Men's team. Often with too few players available he has managed to keep the team going, helped with his unique sense of humour. He has shown respect to all teams we have played against and is popular and respected amongst many of the local bowling teams. Against Taffs Well he rallied the team before the match but had little sympathy from his friends from Taffs Well. His popularity was in no doubt after the match, when the opposition players chanted for him to make a speech. Even in defeat, he spoke graciously and, despite much heckling, graciously handed over the Garth Cup to Taffs Well captain, Lance Timothy.
Barrie, well done and thanks for the memories!
Barrie, well done and thanks for the memories!
****** Season Long Raffle - Result ******
The Season Long Raffle was drawn on Finals Day, 11th September. The winner of the £100 first prize was Mr R.Hughes of Rhiwbina Bowls Club - congratulations to him. The second and third prizes were won by residents of Pentyrch village. A donation will be made to Cancer Research Wales. Sincere thanks to everyone who took part and helping to raise much-needed funds for the club. Thanks also to members of the Social Committee who did so well in selling the tickets.
****** New Clubhouse - work begins ******
Work finally got underway on demolishing the old clubhouse cabin this week. This is to prepare the ground for the foundations for the new pavilion. Click here for more details and pictures.
****** Finals Day 2016 ******
A fantastic day enjoyed by spectators and players. For details click here.
****** PG1 Season ends at home to Pontyclun ******
The last PG1 match of the season ended in a narrow 68-81 home defeat to Pontyclun. The match was notable for a a fre reasons. It was the last home match for a competitive Pentyrch side with the old clubhouse as home. On Monday 12 September the demolition team will move in to take down the old cabin to make way for the new purpose-built pavilion. It is also noteworthy that this team gave a very good account of itself despite (with all due respect) being of a somewhat make-shift nature. Thanks to Ian Broxton, Nick Russell, John Lewis and Eric Priday for standing in at short notice. Their presence on a more regular basis would be greatly appreciated.
Two rinks won and two rinks lost. The rinks skipped by Iain Russell and Brian Ilbery won and Colin Howson's and Peter Neville's rinks lost with the overall score favouring the visitors. Our next home PG1 match should see us entertaining visitors in our new home.
Two rinks won and two rinks lost. The rinks skipped by Iain Russell and Brian Ilbery won and Colin Howson's and Peter Neville's rinks lost with the overall score favouring the visitors. Our next home PG1 match should see us entertaining visitors in our new home.
****** All good things to those who wait...******
Pentyrch's persistence and patience finally paid off on the last day of August with their first win since the 18th of May and the first PG1 win of the season at The Mackintosh, Cardiff. The 64 - 51 win was very sweet on a number of levels, not least by virtue of being the first PG1 win but also on a personal note for captain of the evening, Mark Krawiecki whose bowling "career" began at the Mackintosh over 20 years ago.
The famous Mackintosh green, guarded by a fearsome statue of a peregrine falcon, bathed in early evening Augustinian sunlight beckoned the players to compete. It would take more than a replica of bird of prey to deter the Tyrchs from victory this evening...
So to the scores: Colin Howson's rink won 14-13 repelling a late fightback from Tony Sullivan's rink. Brian Ilbery's rink won 15- 2 keeping the opponents at bay despite losing the last two ends. Peter Neville's rink were the strongest performers winning 15-10 never really looking troubled. Sadly, Mark Krawiecki's rink lost 19-17 to Simon Mansfield's rink but were catching up fast as the 18th end finished with a score of 9-1 for the last 4 ends.
It's always a pleasure to play against the Mackintosh and captain Brian Pinnell and Mark Krawiecki alluded to this and the special relationship between the clubs in their speeches. Mackintosh are celebrating 125 years of bowls this year which coincides with our own 25th anniversary. Pentyrch's best winning rink and captain were graciously presented with 125th Anniversary pens by The Mackintosh. After a magnificent buffet and one or two for the road the two teams said goodnight. Pentyrch to dream of more wins to come.
The famous Mackintosh green, guarded by a fearsome statue of a peregrine falcon, bathed in early evening Augustinian sunlight beckoned the players to compete. It would take more than a replica of bird of prey to deter the Tyrchs from victory this evening...
So to the scores: Colin Howson's rink won 14-13 repelling a late fightback from Tony Sullivan's rink. Brian Ilbery's rink won 15- 2 keeping the opponents at bay despite losing the last two ends. Peter Neville's rink were the strongest performers winning 15-10 never really looking troubled. Sadly, Mark Krawiecki's rink lost 19-17 to Simon Mansfield's rink but were catching up fast as the 18th end finished with a score of 9-1 for the last 4 ends.
It's always a pleasure to play against the Mackintosh and captain Brian Pinnell and Mark Krawiecki alluded to this and the special relationship between the clubs in their speeches. Mackintosh are celebrating 125 years of bowls this year which coincides with our own 25th anniversary. Pentyrch's best winning rink and captain were graciously presented with 125th Anniversary pens by The Mackintosh. After a magnificent buffet and one or two for the road the two teams said goodnight. Pentyrch to dream of more wins to come.
****** Novices' Cup Final 2016 ******
Congratulations to Bernie Simpson on winning this year's Novices' Cup Final on Monday 29th August. He beat Mel Newton 21-12 in a match that was closer than the final winning score of 21-12 suggests. The game was played in great spirit by both players and marked by Brian Ilbery. Congratulations to both players who joined the club at the beginning of the season as non-bowlers and have both made fantastic progress in their playing ability. They have also become important, popular and valued members off the green too joining in Spoons, and social events on a regular basis. Just goes to show what can happen with a bit of commitment. Well done both!
****** Sun shines for Bank Holiday "Spoons" ******
As the season draws to an end it was wonderful to have a sunny and warm evening for "Spoons" on August Bank Holiday Monday. Great to see some weather appropriate fashion too! Well done to everyone who came to play and well done to everyone who has kept up the tradition over the season. Biggest thanks to Alan Parsons who has determinedly kept the event going with his organisation and enthusiasm, this season and over the years.
****** 25th Anniversary Celebration Match ******
On Saturday 3rd September there is a fun match to celebrate our 25th Anniversary. A mixed match, Pentyrch resident members v non-resident Pentyrch members at 2.30 pm. The more the merrier for an informal social get-together. Please make yourselves available - teamsheets in the cabin Colin Howson and Margaret Farmer will pick the teams.This is a once in a quarter of a century event - don't miss out! Food, drink and continuation of the End of Season Raffle to raise much-needed funds.
Support your club and help it last another 25 years!
Support your club and help it last another 25 years!
****** End of season blues at Sully ******
The Tyrchs endured a difficult afternoon at Sully Sports slumping to a heavy defeat 102 - 50 to the home side under a brooding sky that sometimes contemptuously spat the odd drop rain down onto the bowlers. The absence of the noise and colour of the fair present at the same fixture, same time last year seemed to add to the subdued atmosphere. The weighty feeling was also true of the green that had a beginning of season pushiness about it and, certainly the rink skipped by Mark Krawiecki never really came to terms with it, losing 23-11. Owen Morris, despite that, continued to improve his leading with some admirable shots. Colin Howson's rink matched Mark Krawiecki's losing score, 23-11 on the next door rink. Brian Ilbery's rink found the going the most difficult going down 34-13. Peter Neville's rink put up the most convincing opposition going into the 16th end at 15-15 but then dropping 7 unanswered shots to lose 22-15.
A weary Pentyrch team made their way over to the Indoor Bowls Centre for post-match the speeches and food. A few drinks and magnificent reviving meal of sausage, beans and chips revived them for the journey home. Thanks to Sully for the hospitality and catering and even bigger thanks to Bryn Owen and Ian Broxton for stepping in to allow us to compete with a full team.
(Look carefully at the middle picture below to see Owen Morris warming up for the match.)
A weary Pentyrch team made their way over to the Indoor Bowls Centre for post-match the speeches and food. A few drinks and magnificent reviving meal of sausage, beans and chips revived them for the journey home. Thanks to Sully for the hospitality and catering and even bigger thanks to Bryn Owen and Ian Broxton for stepping in to allow us to compete with a full team.
(Look carefully at the middle picture below to see Owen Morris warming up for the match.)
****** Ladies' Home Friendly to Porthcawl *****
On the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd August a strong sun and blue skies greeted a Ladies team from Porthcawl who had come away from the coast to play in a friendly fixture against the Ladies. The game was played in great spirit and enjoyed by everyone who took part. Thanks to a number of the men who stepped in to allow the game to go ahead with full rinks. At the same time a Men's singles competition between Peter Neville and Brian Ilbery was being played. Great to see the green in good use. Would be great to see more of this. Thanks too to John Berry for the photographs.
****** Whitchurch sees red!!! ******
Captain's Log: Star date, Wednesday 17th August. The outdoor season is drawing to a close with the evening light becoming noticeably weaker and shorter. This was the case for the CMWL fixture at Whitchurch with the twilight gloom and spits of drizzle seeing off the players of the last game on rink 5. Slight confusion and amusement at the start of the match as both teams walked out onto the green wearing identical red, black & white trimmed colours differentiated only by small sponsors logos and club crests - not really any different from everyone turning out in white shirts really.
As for the match, Whitchurch were worthy winners, 79-53. Colin Howson's rink came closest for Pentyrch, losing 15-13. A classic "game of two halves" with the Whitchurch rink scoring 10 shots between the 13th and 17th ends. Iain Russell's rink also had a game of two halves, waking up, too late at the 11th end when already 19-1 down. 10 shots in the last 8 ends were not good enough to recover, losing 23-11. Brian Ilbery's rink kept things close until at 15-14 at the 16th end they dropped a 5 to lose 21-15. Mark Krawiecki's rink were level 9-9 at the 11th end but were too lax from then on eventually going down 20-14 despite a flourish of a 4 at the 17th end, by which time the darkness both physical and metaphorical had descended. Some very good leading by Jeff Tarr on MK's rink was noted and a wonderful trail of the jack into the ditch by Peter Mynett were shining lights in the dark. See pictures below.
Good pies after the match.
As for the match, Whitchurch were worthy winners, 79-53. Colin Howson's rink came closest for Pentyrch, losing 15-13. A classic "game of two halves" with the Whitchurch rink scoring 10 shots between the 13th and 17th ends. Iain Russell's rink also had a game of two halves, waking up, too late at the 11th end when already 19-1 down. 10 shots in the last 8 ends were not good enough to recover, losing 23-11. Brian Ilbery's rink kept things close until at 15-14 at the 16th end they dropped a 5 to lose 21-15. Mark Krawiecki's rink were level 9-9 at the 11th end but were too lax from then on eventually going down 20-14 despite a flourish of a 4 at the 17th end, by which time the darkness both physical and metaphorical had descended. Some very good leading by Jeff Tarr on MK's rink was noted and a wonderful trail of the jack into the ditch by Peter Mynett were shining lights in the dark. See pictures below.
Good pies after the match.
****** Super Saturday? Rugby, Pride and Elephants in the city ******
,Saturday August 13th - a bizarre day in several ways for the away PG1 fixture at Cardiff Athletic. Dubbed Super Saturday in the Olympics, currently at the halfway stage in Rio de Janeiro, it proved anything but for the Tyrchs. The heaviest defeat of the season so far, 104-59 in favour of the hosts, who are one of the strongest teams in the division. The early overcast weather conditions gave way to glorious, warm summer sunshine and clear blue skies by the end of the afternoon.
The setting must be one of the most interesting and spectacular in UK bowls, being in the shadow of the Cardiff Blues Stadium and The Principality Stadium, which was hosting a successful world record attempt at the greatest number of people dressed up as elephants in one place! To the booming music coming from The Pride Cymru event being held in Cooper's Field, the bowlers of Cardiff Athletic played a winning tune. The playing surface was very fast and took some getting used to. Colin Howson's rink lost with the biggest deficit 36-9, with the first six ends giving a false sense of security with a 3-3 score. Mark Krawiecki's rink lost 24-15, being too generous in the middle of the match and not taking advantage of adding shots to several winning positions. Iain Russell's rink were 12-10 up at the 13th end then dropped a 4 in the 14th and never got back in the game, eventually losing 22-16. Brian Ilbery's rink put up the bravest display losing 22-19, having been level 19-19 going in to the last end. A defeat which the visitors would like to forget about pretty quickly unlike the record-winning elephants in the stadium nearby.
The setting must be one of the most interesting and spectacular in UK bowls, being in the shadow of the Cardiff Blues Stadium and The Principality Stadium, which was hosting a successful world record attempt at the greatest number of people dressed up as elephants in one place! To the booming music coming from The Pride Cymru event being held in Cooper's Field, the bowlers of Cardiff Athletic played a winning tune. The playing surface was very fast and took some getting used to. Colin Howson's rink lost with the biggest deficit 36-9, with the first six ends giving a false sense of security with a 3-3 score. Mark Krawiecki's rink lost 24-15, being too generous in the middle of the match and not taking advantage of adding shots to several winning positions. Iain Russell's rink were 12-10 up at the 13th end then dropped a 4 in the 14th and never got back in the game, eventually losing 22-16. Brian Ilbery's rink put up the bravest display losing 22-19, having been level 19-19 going in to the last end. A defeat which the visitors would like to forget about pretty quickly unlike the record-winning elephants in the stadium nearby.
****** Grand Night at the Races ******
A Grand Night at the Races - another successful fun and fundraising night on Friday 15th July - for details read more here.
****** Pentyrch are casualties at the Hospital ******
The evening of Wednesday 13th July was sunny and clear for Pentyrch's short trip to Whitchurch Hospital for a CMWL fixture. The now closed Whitchurch Hospital providing a magnificent architectural backdrop. Sadly the visitors' losing streak continued despite a great effort from all 4 rinks in having the lowest losing margin for a while. The final score was 65 - 49 to the hosts who fielded 4 young players which was great to see in a sport that needs so many more youngsters taking part to make the game sustainable. Great to see players of such a huge age range being able to play together competitively and in great spirit - not many other sports can achieve this. Rink scores were as follows: Iain Russell 10 - V. Grandfield 15, Colin Howson 13 - G.Codd 14, Brian Ilbery 14 - C. Leberton 20 and Mark Krawiecki 12 - Pete Stuart 16. Special mention to Colin Howson's rink of Keith Capron, Bernie Simpson, Brian Pearce and Colin who were winning by 2 shots at the 17th end but dropped 3 at the 18th to lose by 1. Almost our first winning rink for a few weeks. As Chris Coleman said after Wales's win over Belgium in the 1/4 final of France Euro 2016 - "I've had more failures than successes - don't be afraid to have dreams!" We have had more failures than successes and now wait for at least one dream to come true...
****** Rhiwbina maintain pressure on Pentyrch ******
Life didn't get any easier for the Trychs on the afternoon of Saturday 9th July with a home defeat to Rhiwbina by 59-95 shots, a score with a symmetrical but uninspiring look about it. One silver lining is that the green played very well, despite the unpleasant weather leading up to the match - thanks to Bill Malcolm for that with praise from the opposition for the playing surface. It was also great to see two former stalwarts of the club - John Lewis and John Berry stepping in to play at short notice. All 4 rinks lost with Mark Krawiecki's rink coming closest, losing by only one shot 18-19 to Clive Grindell's rink. Brian Ilbery's rink went down 12 -26 to Colin Wood's team, Colin Howson lost 14 -24 to Dave Rundle and Keith Davies faded to Ian Kelly 15 -26 after an encouraging initial 6-1 lead. It seems at the moment that this season's aim of survival has to be the main aim. As Rhiwbina Captain, Dave Rundle said after the match it is vital that another Cardiff bowling club does not cease to exist. We appreciate those comments and the support for the season-long raffle.
****** Cardiff do the Double in CMWL ******
Tuesday 5th July and a home fixture v Cardiff in the Cardiff Mid Week League. This return fixture was brought forward by 24 hours to give everyone time to watch the semi-final of France Euro 2016 between Portugal and Wales. Beautiful sunshine throughout the evening welcomed Captain Gary and his team. As at Sophia Gardens earlier in the season, Cardiff emerged as the worthy winners. Rink scores were as follows:
Iain Russell 13 - 23 L.Magee, Peter Neville 9 - A.O'Cock 19, Colin Howson 10 - Ron Davies 17 and Brian Ilbery 12 - Gary Duffy 27. Overall score Pentyrch 44 - 86 Cardiff. Both teams always get on well together during and after the game and Captain Gary's best wishes for Pentyrch's future, in his speech were much appreciated.
Iain Russell 13 - 23 L.Magee, Peter Neville 9 - A.O'Cock 19, Colin Howson 10 - Ron Davies 17 and Brian Ilbery 12 - Gary Duffy 27. Overall score Pentyrch 44 - 86 Cardiff. Both teams always get on well together during and after the game and Captain Gary's best wishes for Pentyrch's future, in his speech were much appreciated.
****** The Saints go Marching in... ******
Saturday 2nd July, the morning after the night before when the Welsh national football team performed heroics and made history in Lille, France, the Tyrchs suffered from the away day blues at Llynfedw Gardens, Birchgrove, the recently adopted new home of St Joseph's Bowling Club. The Joes won massively 115-46, in the Tyrchs' biggest defeat in recent times. Colin Howson's rink never really got going losing 35-8. Brian Ilbery lost 30-5 to the appropriately named G. Champion. Iain Russell lost 26-17, gaining a modicum of respectability with 4 at the last end. Mark Krawiecki's rink won 11 out of 21 ends but dropping a 5 and a 6 at the 9th and 19th ends put paid to his rink's chances - lost 24-16. Such profligacy will never win you a match.
There's always next week... |
****** Ystradfechan too strong for Pentyrch ******
On the evening of Friday 30th June, as the Welsh national football team were preparing to make history in qualifying for a major football tournament semi-final for the first time, a rink from Ystradfechan claimed a convincing win over a rink from Pentyrch at their home green. In the second round of the Private Greens rinks competition the rink from Ystradfechan, skipped by Steve Baker, and including a former Welsh international were too strong in defeating Mark Krawiecki's rink of Brian Ilbery, Peter Neville and Owen Morris. The final score of 21-6 reflected how a consistent performance by all four players in a rink is very hard to stop. Well done to Ystradfeachan and good luck in the rest of the tournament.
****** Double Defeat to Cardiff Athletic ******

Due to a CMWL fixture rescheduled because of an earlier postponement the Tyrchs played Cardiff Athletic twice in less than 24 hours: on both occasions they came out second best.
On the evening of Friday 24th June Pentyrch played in the shadow of Cardiff Arms Park and the Principality rugby stadia but the darkest shadow for Pentyrch was cast by the superior play of the city based opponents. Pentyrch lost overall by 92-41 with only the rink of Brian Ilbery emerging with a creditable 19-19 draw. Gerry Edwards's rink lost 22-9, Colin Howson going down 20-9 and Peter Neville's rink suffering the heaviest, 31-4 defeat. Pentyrch had the chance to redress the balance the very next day...
Saturday's PG1 home fixture was brought forward to 1pm to allow the bowlers to finish in time to watch the anticipated heroics of the Welsh national football team. Smarting from the previous evening's humiliation, the Tyrchs were determined to make a better show of things. Unfortunately another defeat for the home side, losing by 84-54 and although the margin of defeat was reduced this time, every rink lost. Iain Russell lost 14-19, Mark Krawiecki's rink lost 17-21, Colin Howson 15-23 and Brian Ilbery's rink with an 8-21 defeat escaped the washing-up because of the quick exit by everyone to watch the football.
On the evening of Friday 24th June Pentyrch played in the shadow of Cardiff Arms Park and the Principality rugby stadia but the darkest shadow for Pentyrch was cast by the superior play of the city based opponents. Pentyrch lost overall by 92-41 with only the rink of Brian Ilbery emerging with a creditable 19-19 draw. Gerry Edwards's rink lost 22-9, Colin Howson going down 20-9 and Peter Neville's rink suffering the heaviest, 31-4 defeat. Pentyrch had the chance to redress the balance the very next day...
Saturday's PG1 home fixture was brought forward to 1pm to allow the bowlers to finish in time to watch the anticipated heroics of the Welsh national football team. Smarting from the previous evening's humiliation, the Tyrchs were determined to make a better show of things. Unfortunately another defeat for the home side, losing by 84-54 and although the margin of defeat was reduced this time, every rink lost. Iain Russell lost 14-19, Mark Krawiecki's rink lost 17-21, Colin Howson 15-23 and Brian Ilbery's rink with an 8-21 defeat escaped the washing-up because of the quick exit by everyone to watch the football.
****** The Wrong Trousers! ******
Wednesday 22nd June at home to St Fagans in the Cardiff Midweek League and due to a slight error on one of the team sheets, some of the home team followed the lead of Wallace and Gromit by wearing the the wrong trousers! Unfortunately for Pentyrch that is where the humour began and ended with a heavy defeat to local friends and rivals from St Fagans. Revenge for their recent defeat to the Tyrchs on their home green was very sweet with a convincing 86-54 victory, winning on all 4 rinks. Colin Howson's rink came closest losing 15-17 but dropping 5 shots on the last end. Mark Krawiecki's rink lost 24-18 carelessly conceding a 5 and 6 on the way. Iain Russell lost 11-22 with a brief fightback before collapsing in the last 3 ends. Peter Neville standing in for new grandfather, Brian Ilbery lost 23-10 although this result could have been much worse being down 12-1 after 6 ends.
Thanks to the reserves who turned up to support the team and Howard, as ever for the catering. The players were reminded of the right trousers to wear at the next match.
Thanks to the reserves who turned up to support the team and Howard, as ever for the catering. The players were reminded of the right trousers to wear at the next match.
****** Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside... ******
...well, at least two rinks did. On Saturday 18th June we travelled to the delightful seaside resort of Penarth to play in a PG1 fixture. The weather stayed dry with bright sunshine emerging towards the end of the match. While Club Captain Barrie Thomas enjoyed himself in sunny Grimsby, Mark Krawiecki stood in for him against Penarth (Rectory Rd). We managed to master the good outdoor green surface much better than the indoor short mat green which had proved to be the scene of two heavy defeats during the winter. (See previous entries)
The Tyrchs went down 83-62 with two winning rinks and two losing rinks. Iain Russell's rink won by a nose 17-16 with the final bowl of the final end. Mark Krawiecki's rink won 20-17 in a game of two halves, reviving well after a poor start helped by scoring a spectacular 6 in the 16th end. Colin Howson's rink went down 23-12 and Brian Ilbery's rink losing 27-13. Big thanks as ever to Penarth for their friendship and hospitality with a special mention to Betty for providing a sumptuous tea - the best of the season so far, by a long way.
The Tyrchs went down 83-62 with two winning rinks and two losing rinks. Iain Russell's rink won by a nose 17-16 with the final bowl of the final end. Mark Krawiecki's rink won 20-17 in a game of two halves, reviving well after a poor start helped by scoring a spectacular 6 in the 16th end. Colin Howson's rink went down 23-12 and Brian Ilbery's rink losing 27-13. Big thanks as ever to Penarth for their friendship and hospitality with a special mention to Betty for providing a sumptuous tea - the best of the season so far, by a long way.
***** PG1 - Macks triumph over Tyrchs (again) ******
Saturday 10th June, 2016 proved to be a historic day for Welsh football with a 2-1 victory over Slovakia in Bordeaux in their opening game at France Euro 2016. This was the reason for our 1pm start at home to our great friends and rivals from the Mackintosh Club, Cardiff. Unfortunately the Tyrchs could not share in the success of the Welsh football team losing 68-89. Congratulations to Iain Russell's rink, the only winners with a hard fought 23-20 against Justin Smart's rink. A six and a four at the 13th and 14th ends did them a power of good in repelling a strong comeback from the opposition. Brian Ilbery's rink salvaged a 14-14 draw in the last 2 ends. Mark Krawiecki's rink let a 15-11 lead fade away and were eventually overtaken by Vic George's team. 2 shots at the last end were not enough to recover giving the visitors a 21-20 victory. Colin Howson's rink never really got started losing 11-34 to Steven Hole's rink. Thanks to Russell and Bernie for coming to play in a non-competitive game with the opposition. No after match speeches or hospitality as everyone rushed home to watch the heroics of the national football team.
****** CMWL Home Defeat to the Mackintosh ******
After last week's high of overcoming local rivals Taffs Well, the Tyrchs succumbed to The Mackintosh who arrived with a few new players who seem to have bolstered their squad in a positive way. The Macks won 79-57 with three rinks winning. Brian Ilbery's rink salvaged a little pride for Pentyrch by drawing 14-14. Mark Krawiecki's rink lost 17-19, Colin Howson lost 15-23 and Iain Russell's rink won the dubious honour of being washers-up by virtue of a 11-23 defeat. It was good that a fifth non-competitive rink gave the opportunity for more players from both sides to have a game as well. It is always a pleasure to play against The Mack and over the years the two clubs have made a great friendship, which their captain Simon Mansfield alluded to in his after match speech. We look forward to our next meeting. Thanks to Bryn Owen for doing the bar, Howard Thomas for the pasties and Barrie Thomas for cleaning the oven - someone else can do it next time!
****** Victory for Men in local derby over Taffs Well ******
Wednesday 18th May 2016 - the date on which Pentyrch Men's Team recorded a long-awaited victory over local friends and rivals Taffs Well. It was appropriate that on the very eve of Pentyrch's 25th anniversary, they won with a convincing score of 71-48 in the Cardiff Midweek League Fixture. The three Pentyrch winning rinks were Colin Howson 26-10, Iain Russell 18-11, Brian Ilbery 16-11 with Mark Krawiecki's rink losing 11-16. A great effort by the whole team! Mark Krawiecki did have some consolation, being the first Pentyrch captain to win against the Wellmen for many a year. The Wellmen were unable to emulate the recent spectacular successes of their rugby counterparts. Pentyrch Club Captain, Barrie Thomas who has suffered much personal pain and barracking in recent years in this fixture was so pleased with winning that he celebrated by cleaning the pasty oven after the match. Losing Taffs Well captain, Lance Timothy added spice to our next meeting by threatening dark revenge! A great evening's bowls played with great enjoyment and spirit by both sides.
****** A Big Win in First Carruther's Shield Match - Sat. 14th May ******
The Men recovered from last Saturday's defeat by recording a convincing win against a depleted Caerphilly Social team who had to play with 2 triples. Unfortunately, we can empathise with teams that have difficulty in fielding complete teams.The Tyrchs won on all 4 rinks with total score of 108 - 54.25. Rink scores were Iain Russell 33-16, Brian Ilbery 21 - 12.75, Colin Howson 32-7.5 and Mark Krawiecki 22-18. It was good to play in the sun again, especially after the postponement of Wednesday's game due to a flooded green and in a competitive but pleasant spirit with the men from the cheese town. Thanks to Bill Malcolm, our greenkeeper for preparing a great playing surface.
****** Spring Quiz Friday 13th May 2016 ******
The eagerly anticipated Spring Quiz and Light Supper proved to be another very successful and very enjoyable fundraising evening organised by Brian Ilbery, wife Lynne and the hardworking social committee. Very well-attended by bowlers and non-bowlers who enjoyed the chance to test their general knowledge and socialise in a good-humoured and relaxed environment. All disputed answers were handled sensitively but firmly by the scrutiny panel!
Big thanks to all who helped including Brian, Lynne, Bryn Owen for the raffle prizes, the ladies for preparing the food and Pentyrch Rugby Club for hosting and the bar. Thanks to Redrow Homes for providing the first prize of a magnificent hamper and Lady Jane's Emporium for the second prize of afternoon tea in the village and all other prizes kindly donated. Both first and second prizes were won by Anne George! Congratulations to the winners of the quiz - The Gwaelod Girls, who generously returned their £30 prize to the club.The importance of the funds raised by these events cannot be underestimated in keeping the club going. See you at the races on July 15th!
Big thanks to all who helped including Brian, Lynne, Bryn Owen for the raffle prizes, the ladies for preparing the food and Pentyrch Rugby Club for hosting and the bar. Thanks to Redrow Homes for providing the first prize of a magnificent hamper and Lady Jane's Emporium for the second prize of afternoon tea in the village and all other prizes kindly donated. Both first and second prizes were won by Anne George! Congratulations to the winners of the quiz - The Gwaelod Girls, who generously returned their £30 prize to the club.The importance of the funds raised by these events cannot be underestimated in keeping the club going. See you at the races on July 15th!
****** Away Day Blues at Rhiwbina - PG1 Sat.7th May ******
On the day when the Premier League was turned blue by the shock but deserved home crowning of new champions, Leicester City, the men of Pentyrch had the away day blues at Rhiwbina. In the first PG1 match of the season Rhiwbina, relegated from the division above were keen to make a positive start , winning 82-61.
Keith Davies's rink, thankfully won well with a score of 22-15 and Mark Krawiecki's rink came close, losing 14-16, fighting hard to the end.Unfortunately, big deficits for Brian Ilbery, 12-25 and Colin Howson, 13-26 meant that the visitors had a short but sad journey home. The excellent post-match meal of fish and chips, though was very welcome and helped to soften the blow. Scorecards can be seen on the Fixtures 2016 page.
Keith Davies's rink, thankfully won well with a score of 22-15 and Mark Krawiecki's rink came close, losing 14-16, fighting hard to the end.Unfortunately, big deficits for Brian Ilbery, 12-25 and Colin Howson, 13-26 meant that the visitors had a short but sad journey home. The excellent post-match meal of fish and chips, though was very welcome and helped to soften the blow. Scorecards can be seen on the Fixtures 2016 page.
****** Cardiff Midweek League Defeat to Cardiff 4th May ******
The Men lost their second Midweek League defeat at Cardiff (Sophia Gardens). It is always a tough place to go to and the evening proved to the case again. The final score was 72-49, losing on all 4 rinks. Iain Russell 11-16, Mark Krawiecki 10-19, Colin Howson 12-19 and Brian Ilbery 16-18. Brain Ilbery's loss was the hardest to take considering he was leading 14-3 at the 13th end then dropping 4,5 and a 6 in the last 5 ends to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It is always a pleasure to play at Sophia Gardens with the great playing surface and the entertaining "banter" of opponents, enthusiastically led and inspired by captain Gaaaarry Duffy!
****** Midweek loss to Penylan ******
The cold chill of reality could be felt in Pentyrch on Wednesday evening, both meteorologically, with remnants of ice from the afternoon's hail on the green and metaphorically, with the heavy loss inflicted by visitors Penylan. A strong Penylan team won 82-41 in the Cardiff Midweek League fixture, with only Mark Krawiecki's rink coming close, (12-13) conceding 4 shots on the last end. Colin Howson's rink lost 7-20, Iain Russell lost 9-21 and the washing-up duties went to Brian Ilbery's rink for their 13-28 deficit. Mark Krawiecki made his debut as captain and Owen Morris made his debut as a player - congratulations to him. The match was also illuminated by young lead Jack Mounty of Penylan who gave a performance showing the future of bowls can be positive, skilful and exciting. The weekend's friendly at Barry Athletic is cancelled.
****** Open Day Saturday 23rd April 2016 ******
Our Open Day was a great success in terms of potential new players who turned up and gave our great game a try. We were very lucky that the weather was kind enough to stay dry, even though there was a nip in the air. Big thanks to everyone involved in organising the day and helping out before, during and after the event. We hope to welcome new players to the club to help us keep the club going. It was a real pleasure to have so many visitors and current players enjoying themselves together playing or just being part of the wonderful atmosphere, which after all is what our game is all about.
****** First victory for the Men at St Fagans ******
22nd april 2016 - The Men recovered well from Saturday's defeat to Rumney Gardens by taking the spoils at local friends and rivals St Fagans in the Cardiff Midweek League. The Tyrchs won by 59 to 55 shots under the midweek captaincy of Peter Neville, close to site where the Royalists were defeated by the Roundheads in 1648 in the English Civil War. The two winning rinks were skipped by Iain Russell and Mark Krawiecki and commiserations to losing rinks of Peter Neville and Colin Howson. The Barrie Thomas's words from Saturdays' speech, thankfully proved to be prophetic!
****** Men lose first game of season ******
A loss in the first match of the season at home to Rumney Gardens. A defeat by 51-86 was a disappointing start to the campaign. Colin Howson's rink lost by only 2 shots (18-20) and the rink with the biggest deficit was skipped by Mark Krawiecki, losing 24-9. Keith Davies's rink went down 19-13 and Gerry Edwards, on his welcome return lost 23-11. The weather was dry, cold and mostly sunny and the green played well considering it was underwater last Monday. An optimistic captain Barrie Thomas said hopefully in his post-match speech, "Things can only get better."
****** Green looking good for Opening Match ******
After Monday's rain the green has recovered and looks good for the Men's first match vs Rumney Gardens next Saturday. Thanks to Greenkeeper Bill Malcolm.
****** First "Spoons" of the season rained off ******
Unfortunately because of heavy rain in the morning, our Opening of the Green was postponed on Monday 11th April. It gave the chance for a few members to get some off-green preparations done. Green will now officially open on Saturday 16th April with a fixture vs. Rumney Gardens.
****** Pentyrch Community Magazine Spring 2016 ******
We have an article in the Spring edition of the Community Link Magazine on page 14. Click here to link to the magazine.
****** "Spoons" begins on Monday 11th April ******
Our Monday evening social bowling begins on Monday 11th April, weather-permitting. Bring along a friend and introduce them to a great sport and friendly company.
****** Club Tour to Torquay - Places still available! ******
Club tours are one of the highlights of the season. Tim Morgan says there are still places available in twin rooms. Open to anyone - players/non-players & members & non-members. We will be staying at the Derwent Hotel, Torquay. Contact Tim ASAP on 07513 473134.
****** Open Day 2016 ******
An Open Day has been organised for Saturday 23rd April at the Bowls Club by Mark and Margaret Krawiecki, Sheila Paul and Brian Pearce. We need as many members as possible to make themselves available to help on the day and to attract potential new players to come on the day. The event is being advertised locally via community noticeboards and we are actively canvassing local organisations eg Garth Gardeners, WI in local villages, Pentyrch History Society. It is vital for the club's survival that we look at every way possible. Talk to friends and relatives and persuade them to come then or any other time.
Any potential players are very welcome. |
****** Extraordinary General Meeting ******
There is to be an Extraordinary General Meeting of club members at Pentyrch Rugby Club on Monday 4th April, 2016 at 7.45 pm.
The two main points for urgent consideration are:
Please make every effort to attend to discuss and express your views about the future of your club.
The two main points for urgent consideration are:
- Our ageing and declining membership
- The deteriorating condition of our club buildings
Please make every effort to attend to discuss and express your views about the future of your club.
****** Norman Poulson honoured by the President of France ******
Long time member of Pentyrch Bowling Club and veteran of the D-Day Landings, Norman Poulson has been awarded the highest French military honour, Chevalier de Legion d'Honneur, initiated by Napoleon Bonaparte. The President of France, Francois Hollande has awarded Norman in recognition of his contribution to the liberation of France during the D-Day Landings at Normandy in 1944. Everyone at Pentyrch Bowling Club is very proud and aware of Norman's previous honours and congratulate him on receiving his latest honour. The picture (right) shows the Legion d'Honneur with the plain red ribbon.
****** The Green in Winter - Tuesday 18th February 2016 ******
Bill Malcolm, our greenkeeper has been busy behind the scenes making sure the green and the grounds will be ready for the new season. He sent this photograph which shows how well he has done, despite the appalling weather during the winter. For green maintenance, has cut the green and cleaned out the ditches. With the gardens, he has cleared debris and pruned the bushes. Thanks Bill.
Follow the link on menu bar above - Fixtures 2016.
Thanks to Margaret Farmer.
Thanks to Margaret Farmer.
Cheese and Wine to open this season will be at Pentyrch Rugby Club on Sunday 24th April at 4.00 pm. Please support this event because it is an important way of raising valuable funds as well a chance to meet old and new friends. Fine wines, cheese and buffet as well as amazing prizes in the raffle. This year we are celebrating 25 great years of bowling at Pentyrch. Here's to many more...
Follow the link on the Menu Bar above. Thanks to Colin Howson.
Ladies' Fixtures to follow soon...
Follow the link on the Menu Bar above. Thanks to Colin Howson.
Ladies' Fixtures to follow soon...

****** QUIZ NEW DATE - 13th MAY ******
Please note original event POSTPONED!
Join us at Pentyrch Rugby Club, now on the 13th May, 7.00pm for 7.30 for a quiz and light supper. A chance to socialise and prepare for the new season. Tickets only £4.00 each, including a light supper. Open to members and non-members. Members, invite your friends and relatives. Non-members most welcome. Raffle with fabulous prizes and licensed bar. Tickets available from Brian (029-20891814) or Liz (029-20891496) Events like these are serious fundraisers - support your local club and have fun at the same time!
Please note original event POSTPONED!
Join us at Pentyrch Rugby Club, now on the 13th May, 7.00pm for 7.30 for a quiz and light supper. A chance to socialise and prepare for the new season. Tickets only £4.00 each, including a light supper. Open to members and non-members. Members, invite your friends and relatives. Non-members most welcome. Raffle with fabulous prizes and licensed bar. Tickets available from Brian (029-20891814) or Liz (029-20891496) Events like these are serious fundraisers - support your local club and have fun at the same time!
******* RESULT - Penarth Indoor Weds. Janauary 20th ******
We travelled to Penarth Bowls last Wednesday to have another attempt at conquering the indoor, short mat green at their "stadium". An improvement by two shots overall from last November's result leading to a loss of 88-41. Congratulations to Don Wibley's rink for having the lowest and most commendable deficit of only 3 shots, thereby condemning their opposing rink to washing-up duties after the post-match pasties. Another pleasant evening's bowls and socialising with our friends from Penarth. Thanks to Tim Morgan for organising and captaining.
We travelled to Penarth Bowls last Wednesday to have another attempt at conquering the indoor, short mat green at their "stadium". An improvement by two shots overall from last November's result leading to a loss of 88-41. Congratulations to Don Wibley's rink for having the lowest and most commendable deficit of only 3 shots, thereby condemning their opposing rink to washing-up duties after the post-match pasties. Another pleasant evening's bowls and socialising with our friends from Penarth. Thanks to Tim Morgan for organising and captaining.

****** 25th ANNIVERSARY THIS YEAR - 2016 *****
The club is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year. The green was opened by Dr Kim Howells (former MP) on the 19th May 1991. We are looking forward to a successful season on and off the green and would especially welcome new members. See you on the green in 2016!
The club is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this year. The green was opened by Dr Kim Howells (former MP) on the 19th May 1991. We are looking forward to a successful season on and off the green and would especially welcome new members. See you on the green in 2016!
******2016 TOUR to TORQUAY - LATEST!*****
All payments to be made to Tim Morgan or Jan Berry by 31st January. One twin room still available for latecomers! Contact Tim if interested. Don't miss out on a great weekend's bowling and socialising. See below for details of Derwent Hotel.
All payments to be made to Tim Morgan or Jan Berry by 31st January. One twin room still available for latecomers! Contact Tim if interested. Don't miss out on a great weekend's bowling and socialising. See below for details of Derwent Hotel.
3rd - 5th June 2016 - 26th Annual Club Tour to Torquay - staying at the Derwent Hotel
3rd - 5th June 2016 - 26th Annual Club Tour to Torquay - staying at the Derwent Hotel

The Green in Winter - Monday 7th December.
Throughout the winter, Bill Malcolm, our green keeper works hard and usually unnoticed, ensuring that we have an excellent bowling surface for the following season. This morning the green is looking good and healthy. Thanks Bill.
Thanks to everyone for attending and enjoying the social occasion. Thanks to Liz Cugley and ladies for the catering and for the kind contributions to the buffet from members and raffle prizes. The raffle raised £156 and was boosted by £25 from a sale of cakes. Well done to Jan for her first speech as our new Chairperson. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! For more pictures see our Twitter feed on home page.
Thanks to everyone for attending and enjoying the social occasion. Thanks to Liz Cugley and ladies for the catering and for the kind contributions to the buffet from members and raffle prizes. The raffle raised £156 and was boosted by £25 from a sale of cakes. Well done to Jan for her first speech as our new Chairperson. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! For more pictures see our Twitter feed on home page.
This Year's Annual Presentation took place on Friday 27th November at Canada Lake and Lodge. An opportunity to get together and reminisce about the recent season and recognise achievements on and off the green. Special thanks to Tim Morgan who has been an outstanding club member over the years who will be sorely missed but very fondly remembered. Well done to the organisers.
Click here for photographs.
Click here for photographs.

As part of our fundraising to finance the replacement of our clubhouse we ran a cash prize draw last season. We thank everyone who took part, including many visitors to our club last year.
The winners were as follows: Gill Rogers, Pentyrch Bowling Club, £100, Phil Jones, Cardiff Bowling Club (Sophia Gardens), £50 and John Glover, Old Llandorians Bowling Club, £25.
A donation of £75 was made to Cancer Research Wales. All remaining funds will go towards the proposed new clubhouse.
As part of our fundraising to finance the replacement of our clubhouse we ran a cash prize draw last season. We thank everyone who took part, including many visitors to our club last year.
The winners were as follows: Gill Rogers, Pentyrch Bowling Club, £100, Phil Jones, Cardiff Bowling Club (Sophia Gardens), £50 and John Glover, Old Llandorians Bowling Club, £25.
A donation of £75 was made to Cancer Research Wales. All remaining funds will go towards the proposed new clubhouse.
Penarth Rectory Road:
Pictures from the Men's recent visit to Penarth Rectory Rd indoor short mat green. An enjoyable evening for both teams with Pentyrch improving as they got used to the unfamiliar conditions - good fun had by everyone. The rink of Colin Howson, Mark Krawiecki, Howard Thomas and Brian Pearce finishing with the dubious honour of the lowest deficit score. Thanks to Tim Morgan for arranging the evening and to our hosts from Penarth.
Pictures from the Men's recent visit to Penarth Rectory Rd indoor short mat green. An enjoyable evening for both teams with Pentyrch improving as they got used to the unfamiliar conditions - good fun had by everyone. The rink of Colin Howson, Mark Krawiecki, Howard Thomas and Brian Pearce finishing with the dubious honour of the lowest deficit score. Thanks to Tim Morgan for arranging the evening and to our hosts from Penarth.
3rd - 5th June 2016 - 26th Annual Club Tour to Torquay
Above: the 2015 Tourists at Waterside Bowling Club in the New Forest.
Below: the Mens team looking dazzling in their new shirts. The Ladies also look amazing in their new shirts too.
Thank you to their sponsors Thomas-Carroll Insurance & Carpet Services.
Below: the Mens team looking dazzling in their new shirts. The Ladies also look amazing in their new shirts too.
Thank you to their sponsors Thomas-Carroll Insurance & Carpet Services.

A successful tour in the West Country sunshine saw Pentyrch victorious at Taunton, and
lose narrowly at
Clevedon Promenade
& Ashcombe Park Bowling Clubs.
June 2013

Nestling half way up a mountain, Pentyrch experienced the recent Winter Snow, but it could not stop the hardy bowlers having a "roll up" on a Tuesday afternoon.

Celebrating his 60th birthday
at a surprise Party in a local pub was
club stalwart Ian Broxton.
A hundred unknown guests turned up with a live band to support his family, friends and bowlers to party into the night.
at a surprise Party in a local pub was
club stalwart Ian Broxton.
A hundred unknown guests turned up with a live band to support his family, friends and bowlers to party into the night.