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****** LATEST NEWS 2019 ******
****** Winter Quiz and Supper 2020 ******
The next social event after the Christmas Cheese and Wine on Sunday 1st December will be the Winter Quiz on Thursday 23rd January 2020, at the Rugby Club.
Thanks to the busy Social Committee there is another great event for everyone to enjoy during the closes season. This is a chance to have fun and stay in touch during the cold winter months. Please come along and support. |
****** November Coffee Morning ******
The last Coffee Morning of the year with a Christmas flavour. Finally, there was some decent weather to welcome over thirty guests. Thanks to John Eagle and Jeff Tarr for being the baristas and to Margaret Farmer and Lz Cugley for doing the raffle and for all donations of cakes and raffle prizes. A profit of £190 was made on the day which included the raffle and stocking fillers brought by Eileen, helping to raise a cumulative total of £1432.50 for the nine coffee mornings this year. This is a wonderful effort that is helping to keep the club sustainable at least on the financial side. Thank you.
Hopefully Eileen will make more money for the club on Saturday 30th November at her chocolate stall at the Pentyrch Annual Christmas market at the Village Hall. Don't forget the Christmas Cheese and Wine event at the Rugby Club this Sunday (1st December) at 4.00pm.
Hopefully Eileen will make more money for the club on Saturday 30th November at her chocolate stall at the Pentyrch Annual Christmas market at the Village Hall. Don't forget the Christmas Cheese and Wine event at the Rugby Club this Sunday (1st December) at 4.00pm.
****** October Coffee Morning ******
An understandably lower turn-out of 20 because of the atrocious weather conditions but sincere thanks to everyone who came and helped to make it a pleasantly sociable occasion. Over £100 raised which is vital to help us keep going...
Let's hope for better weather on Friday 29th November which will be the last Coffee Morning of 2019 and will have a festive flavour. Christmas jumpers and hats expected!
Let's hope for better weather on Friday 29th November which will be the last Coffee Morning of 2019 and will have a festive flavour. Christmas jumpers and hats expected!
****** Private Greens 2019 ******
The final table for the East Wales Private Greens Bowling Association Competition, 2019.
****** Carruther's Shield 2020 ******
With the outdoor season barely finished, the group stages of the 2020 Carruther's Shield have been published. We are in a tough draw with local opponents from St. Alban's, Rhiwbina and Llantrisant, so an environmentally friendly draw with a lower carbon footprint than previous years. The full section draw for the South Glamorgan CBA can be found here.
****** September Coffee Morning ******
On a wet and thoroughly unpleasant morning, thirty people braved the weather to come to September's Coffee Morning with the weather of the previous week seeming like a distant memory. Together with the raffle, we raised over £161, £20 of which was donated to Macmillan Cancer Support. Big thanks to Val and Lynne who made the coffee this morning for the donations of cakes and to everyone who came to support.
The next Coffee Morning will take place on Friday 25th October at 10.30 am, to be followed by the Annual Dinner and Presentation at Radyr Golf Club in the evening. |
****** Cardiff Midweek League Table ******
The Final table of the Cardiff Midweek League shows us finishing last but one - the same as last year. This was a great effort considering the often depleted number of players available. Well done to Captains Ian, Iain and all the players for representing the club in such difficult circumstances. Everyone's efforts are greatly appreciated.
****** Green Maintenance ******
A helpful group of members assisted club Greenkeepers Bill Malcolm and Phil Snook to prepare the green for winter and the close season. The work involved moving nearly 150 heavy bags of top dressing soil from the car park onto the green itself and then spreading into holes previously made by machine. The work took place on September 8th, 9th, 16th and 17th September. Huge thanks go to Jeff Tarr, Jim Martin, Brian Ilbery, Dave Ashmore, Bernie Simpson, Ian Broxton, John Eagle and Colin Howson - all of whom help Bill and Phil with the heavy work. Thanks also to Mel Newton, Eileen Boddington, Gill Rogers and Margaret Farmer who made refreshments and organised the bowls pavilion.
This is all vital work to maintain and improve the bowling surface and facilities through voluntary work that keeps us able to keep going.
This is all vital work to maintain and improve the bowling surface and facilities through voluntary work that keeps us able to keep going.
****** August Coffee Morning ******
The last Coffee Morning of the year during the playing season happened to be a record breaking one in terms of money raised £199 - a fantastic effort by the 39 people who came along to support. Thanks, as ever to all of those who took time and effort in preparing food, serving and clearing up. At the risk of repetition, these events are helping to sustain the club. They need everyone's support. We now also need to redouble our efforts in getting more players on the green. More news of which, to come. Next Coffee Morning is on Friday 27th September.
NB: The ground staff and maintenance team need help soon with preparing the green for winter. Please contact Jeff Tarr to let him know when you can help.
NB: The ground staff and maintenance team need help soon with preparing the green for winter. Please contact Jeff Tarr to let him know when you can help.
****** Next Coffee Morning ******
****** July 26th - Coffee Morning ******
The recent hot weather relented slightly for July's Coffee Morning. It was attended by 36 people some of whom enjoyed sitting on the verandah to enjoy the weather and views of the green. Thanks to everyone who help and came along to support and provided cakes. Together with proceeds from the raffle a very healthy £173 was made. Continued support is vital for our survival and is gratefully accepted.
****** Race Night - a Runaway Success! ******
The evening of Friday 19th July saw the staging of another very successful Race Night at Pentyrch Rugby Club. Despite the number of tickets sold (80) and the number of racegoers down (70), a magnificent sum of £1153 was raised for vital club funds. This is the single most successful of all the social events arranged during the year - events which massively subsidise the membership fees enjoyed by members at the club.
Thank you to everyone who bought tickets to support the event.
We had our highest ever individual payout for a single race: £34. The overall winning horse as "Go Lightly" owned by Kath Morris and trained by Sue James. Fabulous prizes of chocolates, champagne and wine. The diet of champions!
Big thanks to: Sue James for the food; Lynne, Val, Bernie, Eileen and Iain for selling tote tickets; Iain for running the tote computer; Margaret Davies for organising the raffle; Mark and Iain for design and printing the programmes; Jan and Kath for selling raffle tickets; and Social Committee (Jan, Eileen, Margaret D., and Brian Ilbery) for organising the whole event. Special thanks to Andrew and Ruth Davies for running the Race Night so professionally once again.
A great night had by all!
Thank you to everyone who bought tickets to support the event.
We had our highest ever individual payout for a single race: £34. The overall winning horse as "Go Lightly" owned by Kath Morris and trained by Sue James. Fabulous prizes of chocolates, champagne and wine. The diet of champions!
Big thanks to: Sue James for the food; Lynne, Val, Bernie, Eileen and Iain for selling tote tickets; Iain for running the tote computer; Margaret Davies for organising the raffle; Mark and Iain for design and printing the programmes; Jan and Kath for selling raffle tickets; and Social Committee (Jan, Eileen, Margaret D., and Brian Ilbery) for organising the whole event. Special thanks to Andrew and Ruth Davies for running the Race Night so professionally once again.
A great night had by all!
****** Men's Team Selection w/c Monday 8th July ******
****** Single Rink Competition Success! ******
Four intrepid bowlers took part in the first round of the East Wales Private Greens Single Rink Competition recently. The opponents were from Whitchurch Hospital who came to play at Pentyrch. The Pentyrch rink was Colin Howson at lead, Howard Thomas 2nd, Brian Ilbery third and Ian Broxton, skip. After 9 ends the visitors were 9-7 up but were then completely overrun by a brilliant effort by Pentyrch. At the 18th end with Pentyrch now 28-13 up, the visitors conceded the match. The front end were excellent with outstanding leading from Colin which made things easier for the back players. A great team effort! More formidable opposition in the form of Merthyr West End or Ely Valley away in the next round. Good luck Tyrchs!
****** June Coffee Morning ******
More than 30 guests came along to the Coffee Morning on a gloriously sunny Friday 28th June and helped to raise a magnificent £170 that will help to fund various important projects at the club. Thanks to everyone but especially to those who brought cakes, Eileen for getting things ready, Liz and Margaret Farmer for the raffle and Bernie for making the coffee. Next Coffee Morning will be on Friday 26th July.
****** Summer Quiz June 2019 ******
The Social Committee held the Summer Quiz on the evening of Friday 21st June - the night was a great success with over 80 guests attending and enjoying pitting their wits against each other, good company and a pleasant light supper. Thanks to everyone who supported on the evening and to those who couldn't make it but still paid the entrance fee to support the club. Thanks especially to the members of the Social Committee who helped raise a total of £660 for the quiz, Margaret Davies for getting the prizes, Margaret Farmer and Liz Cugley for the raffle that raised £230.60 . The quiz First Prize of £30 was won by Cardiff West Rotary, sponsored by Rose Capron. Vital funds made that help to keep the club going.
****** May Coffee Morning Success! ******
Another successful Coffee Morning at the end of May. Thanks to all the helpers, bakers and visitors who helped to raise the magnificent sum of £155 which helps to keep us going!
****** Open Day 2019 ******
Saturday 18th May, the day of our Annual Open Day and despite the hard work of the Open Day sub-committee and a number of members coming on the day to support the event, it was a very disappointing day. Only two prospective players came to try the game and had some coaching from Iain and Brian. We must keep trying to recruit and persuade people to join continuously or, without doubt we will not be able to continue, certainly as a competitive team in the leagues. It is almost impossible to imagine the club continuing without such participation. It is also hugely disappointing that there is little support or enthusiasm amongst the local population for our sport. Pentyrch, and in particular, Parc y Dwrlyn is blessed in having such great sporting facilities with the rugby, cricket, football, tennis and, of course, the bowls. Many of our visiting teams comment on this, with some envy - without doubt - the community will be poorer without one of its participants.
Once again, thanks to those who came on the day and who have worked in previous weeks for the day itself.
Once again, thanks to those who came on the day and who have worked in previous weeks for the day itself.
****** Official Opening of the Green ******
The Green will be officially open for the new outdoor season for Spoons and social bowls on the evening of Monday 15th April. It will be cold, windy but dry - nothing new for Pentyrch! Here's to a successful season on and off the green.
****** Coffee Morning #2 ******
The next Coffee Morning takes place at 10.30 am at the Pavilion on Friday 26th April. If you didn't make it to the first, then do your best to get to the next one. Meet friends, enjoy some refreshments in beautiful surroundings and know that you're helping to keep us going!
Despite some very unpleasant weather there was a good attendance for April's Coffee Morning with the magnificent sum of £119 being raised. Special thanks to everyone who came to help and support. |
****** Coffee Morning #1 ******
The first Coffee Morning of the season took place on Friday 29th March, a date that was supposed to have had some sort of significance for another reason. Anyway, it was a good successful start with 31 people attending and helping to raise over £150 to help keep the club sustainable. Thank you everyone. When the next Coffee Morning takes place at the end of April we will have begun playing competitive bowls. Weather permitting, the green will open on Monday 14th April for Spoons.
****** Spring Community Link ******
Thank you to Pentyrch Community Council for publishing an article about our club in the Spring Edition of the Community Link Magazine. The article refers to our Open Day in May. The article can be found on page 22 and is available to view online with this link www.pentyrch.cc/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Community-Link-No-104.pdf
****** Annual Tour ******
Eagerly anticipated details of the Annual Tour were released at the recent Management Committee Meeting. The tour will take place between Friday 7th June and Sunday 9th June. Once again, we have the pleasure of Jervis Coaches of Port Talbot providing the transport and some added humour. We will be staying at Weston-Super-Mare for the third time in our touring history, this time at the Sandringham Hotel which is located immediately opposite the Grand Pier on the famous seafront. On Friday we will be playing at Taunton Deane Bowling Club. On Saturday we will travel to Wells to play against the City of Wells Bowls Club, which is located in the shadow of the magnificent Wells Cathedral. On Sunday, on the way home, we will play at Yate and District Bowling Club where we played on tour in 2017. Further details of costs and a more detailed itinerary to follow.
****** Coffee Morning Number One ******
The first Coffee Morning of 2019 will take place at the Pavilion at 10.30 am on the morning of Friday 29th March. These mornings are now an established and popular community event with many non-members supporting us and helping the club to keep going. Please come along and enjoy the company,refreshments and weather-permitting, the beautiful and peaceful surroundings. Donations of cakes and offers to help serve would be gratefully accepted.
The date for the traditional Cheese and Wine event that marks the start of the new outdoor season has been set for Sunday 24th March, 4.00 pm at Pentyrch Rugby Club. The club now enjoys terrific support from the local community for this event which we'd like to match with support from members. Letters and tickets will be posted to members. Further details available from Margaret Farmer.
****** QUIZ NIGHT ******
Thursday 17th January: The club held its first social event of the year with the Winter Quiz at Pentyrch Rugby Club. Once again, another huge success thanks to the ever active Social Committee. Over 90 people from the club and from the local community supported the event and had a great time. Thanks also to volunteers who helped with food and refreshments. This level of commitment is needed to sustain the club and thanks are also due to members who paid for tickets even though they were not able to attend.
Look out for more social events in the coming weeks and months, starting with the first Coffee Morning on Friday 29th March at 10.30 am at the pavilion, Summer Quiz, Friday 21st June at the Rugby Club and the now legendary Race Night on Friday 19th July, also at Pentyrch Rugby Club.
Look out for more social events in the coming weeks and months, starting with the first Coffee Morning on Friday 29th March at 10.30 am at the pavilion, Summer Quiz, Friday 21st June at the Rugby Club and the now legendary Race Night on Friday 19th July, also at Pentyrch Rugby Club.