- OFFICIALS 2023-2024
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- Playing the game of Bowls
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****** LATEST NEWS 2023 ******
Welcome to the Latest News Page 2023. Here you will find up to date news of forthcoming events and anything of note that has happened recently. Previous years' LATEST NEWS pages have been archived for posterity and can be browsed HERE. Enjoy!
****** Christmas Coffee Morning ******
Just over 30 people came to our festive coffee morning, thankfully on a dry day. £231 were raised for club funds (this included a £20 donation). This means that the ten coffee mornings since last March have raised a grand total of £2065 for the club - a fantastic effort.
This achievement reflects the support of members and friends who come along to our Coffee Mornings. Many thanks to Adrian and Pat, our baristas of the day, to Ken and Paul (Father Christmas and his Elf!), to those providing cakes and raffle prizes, and to Eileen and Liz for helping to organise and get the coffee mornings ready. Eileen also presented the club with a cheque for £1000, towards the cost of new toilets. This money was raised by the women’s section and those providing items for the various hampers that were raffled at different events. Many thanks for all the hard work.
We now take a break from coffee mornings, but will restart them on the last Friday of March (29th). Our next social event will be the Winter Quiz, February 2nd, 2024 in the Rugby Club, and we look forward to everyone’s support.
Best wishes and Happy Christmas. B.I. 15.12.23
This achievement reflects the support of members and friends who come along to our Coffee Mornings. Many thanks to Adrian and Pat, our baristas of the day, to Ken and Paul (Father Christmas and his Elf!), to those providing cakes and raffle prizes, and to Eileen and Liz for helping to organise and get the coffee mornings ready. Eileen also presented the club with a cheque for £1000, towards the cost of new toilets. This money was raised by the women’s section and those providing items for the various hampers that were raffled at different events. Many thanks for all the hard work.
We now take a break from coffee mornings, but will restart them on the last Friday of March (29th). Our next social event will be the Winter Quiz, February 2nd, 2024 in the Rugby Club, and we look forward to everyone’s support.
Best wishes and Happy Christmas. B.I. 15.12.23
******* More Green renovation... ******
Sunday 26th November: Another green renovation working party met up today. The drills were out to prepare fixing the sleepers to the retaining walls, paving slabs moved back, accurate measuring of the green and the first two sleepers fixed in place after some technical engineering discussions. Fifty eight sleepers to go.
Thanks to all who gave up time to come and help: Adrian, Iain, Brian, Mark, Margaret, Andrew, Alan, Mike, new members, Ian and Roger and Eileen for the half-time refreshments. The aim is to meet up again next Sunday 3rd December. All welcome.
Thanks to all who gave up time to come and help: Adrian, Iain, Brian, Mark, Margaret, Andrew, Alan, Mike, new members, Ian and Roger and Eileen for the half-time refreshments. The aim is to meet up again next Sunday 3rd December. All welcome.
****** November Coffee Morning ******
The November coffee morning raised £190 for the club, a very good total.
Thanks to the 30+ people who came along on a fairly cold (but dry) morning. Many thanks also to our first time baristas, Peter and Wendy O’Reilly, to Liz Cugley for selling raffle tickets, to those providing raffle prizes and cakes, and to Eileen Boddington for getting everything together.
Please note that there will be a final (Christmas) coffee morning on Friday 15th December, from 10 am onwards - weather-permitting. We will be having a special appearance from Father Christmas (if you've been good!), so do come along and support the bowling club.
Thanks to the 30+ people who came along on a fairly cold (but dry) morning. Many thanks also to our first time baristas, Peter and Wendy O’Reilly, to Liz Cugley for selling raffle tickets, to those providing raffle prizes and cakes, and to Eileen Boddington for getting everything together.
Please note that there will be a final (Christmas) coffee morning on Friday 15th December, from 10 am onwards - weather-permitting. We will be having a special appearance from Father Christmas (if you've been good!), so do come along and support the bowling club.
****** Green renovation continues... ******
Sunday 19th November: After a weekend off because of bad weather, a working party gathered at 9 am to carry on with preparation for replacing the boards and replacing ditch linings for next season. The cores and spoil from the pavilion end were removed and many of the sleepers positioned around the green. The workers were not put off by the sometimes violent wind and managed to complete the planned work by the time the rain really set in. Thanks to Iain, Mike, Peter, Mark, Brian, Adrian, Gordon and Margaret. Any time that people can spare for future sessions will be very welcome. Look out for further information.
****** Annual Presentation Evening 2023 ******
This year's Annual Presentation Evening took place at Pentyrch Rugby Club on Friday 17th November. For more pictures and short report, click here.
****** Green Autumn & Winter work ******
Autumn and Winter work on green and surrounds continues. A lot of material including sleepers, boards and fixings have been delivered and work to empty the ditches in preparation has been started by volunteers on recent Sundays. Yesterday, the first winter cut of the season at 12mm was carried out. Cutting and other treatments will continue in the coming months. Any help from anyone on Sundays for renovation work and for cutting is needed from anyone. Please contact Iain Russell.
****** October Coffee Morning ******
A beautiful sunny autumnal morning heralded October's Coffee Morning. The event made £183 for the bowling club; this is a great effort and many thanks go to those who came along. Thanks also to those donating cakes and raffle prizes, and to our two baristas - John Eagle and Dave Bamforth.
****** Autumn Green Renovation continues... ******
Sunday 22nd October and the first day of renovation work organised by Iain Russell began with the generous help of a number of volunteers - today was removing edging boards and gravel from the ditches. In the previous week or so, volunteers have also taken delivery of essential materials, including artificial turf to reline the ditches and 120 railway sleepers for new edging for the green. Further work parties will be working on Sundays throughout the autumn and winter to carry out what is major renovation. All volunteers will be most welcome for whatever time and energy they can spare. Thank you for all the work so far.
****** Autumn Green Renovation ******
Thanks to Christian and the Absolute Grasscare team for having carried out extensive winter preparation of the green in the last week. Work included: double scarification, hollow cored with the cores smashed up and thatch removed. The separated dressing has been recycled. Soil removed to ends in preparation of levelling the ends.
The green has been seeded, soil correction products added, top dressed with 1 ton of soil and fertiliser drag matted in. The green now needs to settle and assess if any further need for top dressing. Worm cast dispersal needs to start in a week's time followed by cut after four weeks.
The green has been seeded, soil correction products added, top dressed with 1 ton of soil and fertiliser drag matted in. The green now needs to settle and assess if any further need for top dressing. Worm cast dispersal needs to start in a week's time followed by cut after four weeks.
****** September Coffee Morning ******
The coffee morning made £191 for the club today. Over 30 people came, on a beautiful early autumnal September morning. Many thanks to everyone, especially those who organised the morning, those providing cakes, and Ian and Anne Davies for being excellent trainee baristas. B.I. 29.9.23
****** Final Table Men's EWPGBA Division 4 2023 ******
****** Instagram ******
****** August Coffee Morning ******
We raised £182 at the coffee morning today! Over 30 people came along and they managed to get home before the rain set in! Many thanks to all the helpers, cake and raffle providers and, especially, to Kaye and Chris Locke our very efficient baristas. Thanks also to Ann Angle for running the raffle. We carry on with the coffee mornings on the last Friday in September. Thanks to all who came along to support the club.
25.08.23 B.I.
25.08.23 B.I.
****** Community Link Autumn Edition 2023 ******
The Autumn edition of the 'Community Link' has an article written by Brian Ilbery explaining about our recent successful bids for funding for new toilets and a new electric mower. The article, on page 27, also explains how we are always looking for new players and the great benefits of being a member of our club throughout the year.
****** Rotary Clubs Visit ******
A beautiful August evening greeted members of the Garth, Cardiff and Cardiff Bay Rotary Clubs for their visit to play bowls on our green. Previously, this evening has been subdued because of damp weather but on this sunny evening there was enthusiasm and genuine pleasure in trying out the wonderful sport of bowls. Some were absolute beginners and some had played before - all of them had a great time with some promising to return for taster sessions on a Monday evening and perhaps, even to join. Thanks to Ann Angle, Eileen Boddington, John Eagle, Margaret Krawiecka and Mark Krawiecki for their warm welcome, help and coaching tips in making it a successful evening.
****** A Very Grand Race Night ******
Race Night Success
Around 90 people enjoyed a great evening at Pentyrch Bowling Club’s annual race night. Andrew and Ruth Davies ran the evening and the Tote was kept busy for the nine races, including a final winners race. Success was spread among bowling club members and friends, with each winning race owner and trainer winning a bottle of wine. Gavin Davidson won two races, with his horses ‘Pants Down’ and ‘Made in Tokyo’, but the person who stole the whole show was Eileen Steggles. Not only did she win two bottles of wine for owning and training ‘Eileen’s dream’ in race 5, but she also won two bottles of champagne and two boxes of chocolates when her horse won the final ‘winners’ race - all for spending just £6 on buying and training a horse!
The evening made over £1,100 for the bowling club and, apart from Andrew and Ruth managing the event on the night, many other people helped to put together a well-organised event. First, careful planning by the club’s Social Committee (Brian Ilbery, Paul Cooper, Eileen Boddington, Christine Pegg, Ajit Singh and Pat Sellars) over a four-months period played an important role, with Mark Krawiecki producing the final race card and advertising poster for the event. Secondly, many thanks to the staff of the Rugby Club for providing food and drink, and for helping to ‘set out’ the room. Thirdly, Iain Russell looked after the Tote and his helpers (Lynne Ilbery, Val Simpson and Gareth James) sat all evening taking money off the punters! Fourthly, Rose Capron and Ann Angle were ‘on the door’ and welcomed everyone, while Liz Cugley and Ajit Singh sold a lot of raffle tickets on the night; they were helped by a number of people who folded every single raffle ticket ready for the draw. Final thanks go to the various people/businesses who sponsored the races and to all those who came along for a very enjoyable evening.
The money raised helps to keep the community-focused bowling club going and we are always looking for more members to come along and play bowls.
Brian Ilbery 06.08.23
Around 90 people enjoyed a great evening at Pentyrch Bowling Club’s annual race night. Andrew and Ruth Davies ran the evening and the Tote was kept busy for the nine races, including a final winners race. Success was spread among bowling club members and friends, with each winning race owner and trainer winning a bottle of wine. Gavin Davidson won two races, with his horses ‘Pants Down’ and ‘Made in Tokyo’, but the person who stole the whole show was Eileen Steggles. Not only did she win two bottles of wine for owning and training ‘Eileen’s dream’ in race 5, but she also won two bottles of champagne and two boxes of chocolates when her horse won the final ‘winners’ race - all for spending just £6 on buying and training a horse!
The evening made over £1,100 for the bowling club and, apart from Andrew and Ruth managing the event on the night, many other people helped to put together a well-organised event. First, careful planning by the club’s Social Committee (Brian Ilbery, Paul Cooper, Eileen Boddington, Christine Pegg, Ajit Singh and Pat Sellars) over a four-months period played an important role, with Mark Krawiecki producing the final race card and advertising poster for the event. Secondly, many thanks to the staff of the Rugby Club for providing food and drink, and for helping to ‘set out’ the room. Thirdly, Iain Russell looked after the Tote and his helpers (Lynne Ilbery, Val Simpson and Gareth James) sat all evening taking money off the punters! Fourthly, Rose Capron and Ann Angle were ‘on the door’ and welcomed everyone, while Liz Cugley and Ajit Singh sold a lot of raffle tickets on the night; they were helped by a number of people who folded every single raffle ticket ready for the draw. Final thanks go to the various people/businesses who sponsored the races and to all those who came along for a very enjoyable evening.
The money raised helps to keep the community-focused bowling club going and we are always looking for more members to come along and play bowls.
Brian Ilbery 06.08.23
****** July Coffee Morning ******
Just to let you all know that yesterday’s coffee morning raised £200 for the club. Thanks to the 30+ people who came along, those providing cakes and raffle prizes, Bernie and Ed for being wonderful baristas, Ann Angle for running the raffle and Eileen for getting everything ready. You will pleased to know that the five coffee mornings so far this year have raised over £1000 and we thank you all for your support.
****** Summer Quiz ******
Over 60 people turned up for the quiz on a rather wet evening and everyone had a good time. Gordon Tucker made his debut as the quiz master and provided a very interesting and diverse quiz. We made a surplus of £576.06, boosted by the winning team and the second team returning their winnings to the club.
- 11 teams competed and the quiz was won by ‘The Magnificent Seven’ - Iain Russell’s team, including Fiona, Val and Bernie Simpson, Lynne Ilbery and Jane Williams. The runners up was ‘The Cooper’s Car Crash + 2’ - Paul Cooper’s family plus Kaye and Chris Locke. Owen Morris’s team came third. Many thanks to Iain’s and Paul’s teams for donating their combined winnings of £45 back to us.
****** June Coffee Morning ******
Another successful morning despite the rainy weather which was a welcome relief for the wellbeing of the green. £190 raised for club funds. Thank you to everyone for coming, their donations, raffle prizes and helping out - special thanks to Eileen Boddington for setting up and to Iain Russell and John Cahill Dickenson who made their debuts as baristas.
****** New Allett Mower Arrives ******
The new Allett Sterling 51 electric lawn mower, with various detachable cartridges, was delivered to Pentyrch Bowling Club this week by Perrott Engineering. The mower comes with a 10Ah battery, charger and five cartridges. There are six-bladed and ten-bladed cutting cartridges, a verticutter, scarifier and dethatcher. We have also purchased a spare 10Ah battery to make things easier. Martin Perrott gave a brief demonstration on how everything works and then a few members of the green management team tried the mower out. There were a lot of happy faces because the system is much easier and lighter to use than the old petrol mowers as well as being eco-friendly and sustainable. This is an excellent acquisition for the club. Mainly funded by the Be Acitve Sport Wales fund.
****** Creigiau Carnival 2023 ******
Congratulations to John Cahill Dickenson and Recruitemnt Sub-committee in organising a stall to promote our club at this year's Creigiau Carnival. At the stall,(gazebo and table provided by Creigiau 23) our volunteers sold raffle tickets, distributed flyers, introduced youngsters and adults to playing bowls on an improvised 'green' on the cricket square and spread the word about playing bowls at Pentyrch. The excellent hamper prizes for the raffle, created by Eileen attracted a lot of buyers, so much so that some people still wanted to buy tickets after the draw had been made.
The stall was visited by the Cardiff Lord Mayor, Bablin Molik and First Minister for Wales, Mark Drakeford who stopped by to buy a raffle ticket too. Our next recruit? One person has already made a positive enquiry for coaching and others will hopefully follow in coming days and weeks. A huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped in many ways and to those who came and supported during the day - wearing their club colours.
With a crowd of many hundreds, it was a fantastic opportunity to literally fly the flag outside Pentyrch and many small children had a bowl. This was an excellent event to push the name of the club and is a must for next year's recruitment events.
The stall was visited by the Cardiff Lord Mayor, Bablin Molik and First Minister for Wales, Mark Drakeford who stopped by to buy a raffle ticket too. Our next recruit? One person has already made a positive enquiry for coaching and others will hopefully follow in coming days and weeks. A huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped in many ways and to those who came and supported during the day - wearing their club colours.
With a crowd of many hundreds, it was a fantastic opportunity to literally fly the flag outside Pentyrch and many small children had a bowl. This was an excellent event to push the name of the club and is a must for next year's recruitment events.
****** John Calnan Cup ******
The John Calnan Cup, a fun but competitive one day mixed triples competition that has not been contested since 2018 is to be run again on Sunday 16th July. It is a one day competition played in a round robin format. Entry fee is £3 to cover costs of trophies etc. Closing date for entries is Sunday 9th July. A barbecue, weather permitting is planned after the competition.
****** Annual Tour 2023 ******
Huge thanks to Ian Broxton and Mel Newton for having organised and led a successful tour to Torquay. Click on the picture below for more details and pictures.
****** Radyr Chain - Summer Edition ******
In the club's continued efforts to recruit new players, John Cahill Dickenson has written an article advertising the club in the June edition of the Radyr Chain. The recruitment sub-committee under John's direction have carried out several initiatives in recent months. On Friday June 16th, they will be holding an open session for Creigiau Scouts at the club. Please come along and support. On Saturday 24th June (no Men's fixture), they are holding a recruitment stall at the Creigiau Carnival - again your support, eg help taking resources to the Recreation Ground at Creigiau or buying a ticket for our raffle, would be very welcome.
****** Bank Holiday Spoons & Taster Sessions ******
On a beautiful Spring Bank Holiday evening, the green was buzzing with activity. Twenty four played Spoons, some of whom are new members fresh from recent Taster Sessions. Margaret and Mark Krawiecki led the Taster Sessions for eight new players in the absence of Brian Ilbery and Iain Russell. It's great to see the green busy with people playing bowls again and having an enjoyable time together.
****** Community Link Summer Edition ******
The latest edition of the Community Link magazine is now being delivered to local homes and is also online. John Cahill Dickenson, leader of the Recruitment sub-group has written an article in it to encourage new members to join us. There is a QR code included linking our website with further information about the benefits of joining us. See the link to the online magazine here and the article is on page 31.
****** Garden sub-group ******
The Garden sub-group were in action on Monday 29th May, replanting many of the planters with annual flowers to brighten up the gardens around the green. They have also installed a sign outside the gates of the grounds to help visitors see the club entrance.
****** May Coffee Morning ******
The best weather of any coffee morning so far this year meant that some guests sat outside to enjoy their refreshments. Thanks to all those who came to our coffee morning today; the weather was great and over 40 people came along. The club made a very good profit of £230. Special thanks to Paul and Lynda Cooper, our new baristas, those who supplied cakes and raffle prizes, and Ann Angle for selling the raffle tickets. A brief report will appear on our website, with a couple of photos. The next coffee morning will be on Friday 30th June, 10.30 am in the bowls pavilion. This is the same day as our Summer Quiz (Friday 30th June in the Rugby Club, 7 for 7.30 pm start). Tickets for the quiz are now available from Brian Ilbery, Paul Cooper, Eileen Boddington and Christine Pegg. BI
****** Howell's School Visit ******
On Friday 19th May, John Cahill Dickenson and the Recruitment sub-committee invited and successfully organised a visit by year 7 girls from Howell's School, Cardiff to try bowls at the green. The girls and their two teachers were very enthusiastic about trying bowls. One of the teachers has since returned to play Spoons on a Monday evening. A second visit has been arranged for Thursday 13th July. Thanks to John for organising the event and to Mark Krawiecki, Ann Angle, Liz Cugley, Brian Ilbery, Eileen Boddington and Christine Pegg for helping on the day.
****** Women's Practice Session 16.05.23 ******
Margaret Krawiecka led a successful coaching and practice session for the Women's section on a sunlit Tuesday evening. The session focused on setting up the mat and delivering the jack in preparation to play a match and the purpose of trial ends in reading the pace and line of the green. The women also practised delivering the jack and then bowling to different lengths, adjusting weight using forehand and backhand. More practice sessions to follow as the season progresses.
****** Recalibrating rink settings ******
Sunday 14.05.23 : Under the guidance of Iain Russell, the match play rink markings were recalibrated and marked using a mirror, set square and string. 5 colours have been painted at 50cm intervals from the playing field side of the green: red, pink, white, blue and green. This will allow for the movement of rinks to ensure even wear on the green and prevent uneven wear and 'runs'.
****** May Coffee Morning ******
Our next Coffee Morning takes place on Friday 26th May from 10:30 am. Please come and support by coming along to eat cake and drink tea or coffee, try to win a fantastic raffle prize, provide a raffle prize, bring cakes, help to serve or wash up! The money raised at these events really helps to keep us going. Thanks.
****** First 'Spoons' ******
On Monday 1st May the green unofficially opened with the first 'Spoons' of the season, organised by John Eagle. The event coincided with the start of 'Taster Sessions' to encourage new members to try the game and join the club a players. The Taster sessions were run by Iain Russell and Brian Ilbery with assistance from Margaret Krawiecka and Mark Krawiecki. It was so encouraging to have so many new players showing great promise and enthusiasm for the game. We had hoped for this to have happened the Monday before but bad weather had meant a postponement. This time the sun shone and welcomed a wonderful turnout on the green and a genuinely happy atmosphere for 'Spoons' and the Taster sessions. Thank you to everyone involved - looking forward to many more.
****** April Coffee Morning - Thank you ******
We had 39 guests at April's Coffee Morning and raised £222. Thank you. Special thanks to Ken and Alex, first time baristas! Thanks also to Ann for selling raffle tickets. We are also grateful for donations of cakes, biscuits and raffle prizes. A great atmosphere - see you again at the end of May.
****** Green to open Monday 24th April ******
The green will be officially opened (weather permitting) at 6:00 pm on Monday 24th April. Please arrive by 5:45pm. The delay has been due to poor weather and to allow time after Absolute Grasscare's season preparation. Thanks to the green maintenance team for cutting the green and preparing the surrounds. Thanks also to the Ladies' section who spent a Saturday morning at the end of March spring cleaning the Pavilion.
There will be Spoons and Taster sessions for new and prospective members. We look forward to welcoming them and everyone else and to a great new season.
There will be Spoons and Taster sessions for new and prospective members. We look forward to welcoming them and everyone else and to a great new season.
****** Absolute Grasscare start work on green ******
Absolute Grasscare, a local company that maintains and acts as a consultancy for a significant number of bowls clubs in the South Wales area has started work on our bowling green. They will work in partnership with us to scarify, verticut and carry out a number of treatments to fertilise, reseed and improve soil quality on a regular basis , throughout the whole year. They will also act as consultants offering advice on general green maintenance and how to deal with any specific problems. Our members will be continue with cutting, sarrel rolling, watering and other maintenance as advised by Christian who will be available to offer general advice and consultation on his visits and by 'phone, text, and email any time. We look forward to a happy and successful partnership in achieving the best possible surface to play on.
****** Memorial Bench for Audrey and Mansel ******
The club has taken delivery of a memorial bench, the generous gift from David Richards, the son of former members Audrey and Mansel whom longer standing members will remember. Audrey and Mansel were enthusiastic members, team players, tourists and participants in the social side of the club. The were founder members in the 1980's and Mansel, along with a number of ex-rugby players from Pentyrch Rugby Club not only founded the club but physically constructed the bowling green. Sincere thanks for the bench which will remind us of Audrey and Mansel as we sit and enjoy the wonderful surroundings at the club.
A cracking start to this year’s coffee mornings; we made £245, a record amount for any coffee morning!
It was a great turnout and 46 people were not put off by the damp weather. Many thanks to everyone for coming along and to all the helpers in providing raffle prizes, running the raffle, bringing cakes and making the coffee and washing up. Special thanks to Irene and Bernie, our excellent baristas, who managed to keep up with the huge demand!
The next coffee morning is on Friday 28th April, 10.30 am in the bowls pavilion. B.I.
It was a great turnout and 46 people were not put off by the damp weather. Many thanks to everyone for coming along and to all the helpers in providing raffle prizes, running the raffle, bringing cakes and making the coffee and washing up. Special thanks to Irene and Bernie, our excellent baristas, who managed to keep up with the huge demand!
The next coffee morning is on Friday 28th April, 10.30 am in the bowls pavilion. B.I.
On 15th March, we successfully raised £8,140 with 83 online supporters in 42 days.
Thank you! Diolch! More news in the coming weeks...
Thank you! Diolch! More news in the coming weeks...
****** New Toilets Crowdfunding Update ******
The number of donations has slowed down this week, but the great news is that, with a donation of £500 from the Tennis Club and £100 from the women’s section of the bowling club, we have now reached our initial target of £7000 - and we still have 3 weeks to go!
The other great news is that we have satisfied the two main ‘conditions’ set by Sport Wales - at least 50 ’supporters’ and a total over £7000 - meaning that we definitely keep the £2,100 from Sport Wales. Currently, our running total is: £7,285 If you look at the the following link to our appeal, you will see that our target has now been ’stretched’ to £8,000. This is an ideal opportunity to raise more money so that we can also replace the ’tardis’ bowls store as well: |
We are hoping to get close to the new £8000 target and you can help us with this by ’spreading the word’ to different people and giving them the website details. Some members are still to donate and so please help us to improve the facilities at our bowls club; if easier, you can donate by giving us a cheque or cash.
Momentum is important and this is a great chance to raise more money and so undertake further improvements at the bowls club. B.I. 22.02.23
We are hoping to get close to the new £8000 target and you can help us with this by ’spreading the word’ to different people and giving them the website details. Some members are still to donate and so please help us to improve the facilities at our bowls club; if easier, you can donate by giving us a cheque or cash.
Momentum is important and this is a great chance to raise more money and so undertake further improvements at the bowls club. B.I. 22.02.23
****** Spring Community Link ******
The Spring edition of the Community Link is online now and soon to be delivered to local residences. On page 21 there is an article about our club. Thanks to the Community Council for publishing it. You can read it here.
****** Crowdfunding goes Live ******
Exciting news that we have now gone ‘live’ with our bid to raise money for a replacement toilet block. You can see our application, with accompanying video, at the following web address:
Please read through our application and watch the excellent video that Steve Bollschweiler has made. We are now encouraging all members to make a donation by following the instructions on the above website. Please note the time limit for this project. The deadline for donation is the 15th March.
A successful application will save us from this!
Please read through our application and watch the excellent video that Steve Bollschweiler has made. We are now encouraging all members to make a donation by following the instructions on the above website. Please note the time limit for this project. The deadline for donation is the 15th March.
A successful application will save us from this!
****** First Coffee Morning of 2023 ******
****** Winter Quiz - Success! ******
A wonderful evening's entertainment organised by the Social Committee was enjoyed by members and non-members from the local community to whom the club is grateful for all their support
- over 90 people attended and we made an overall profit of £667.86 - a great effort! The atmosphere was excellent & people really enjoyed themselves.
- 14 teams competed and the scores were pretty close, with four teams tied for 3rd place on 62 points (tie-break won by Owen’s Team); The Universally Challenged Team came 2nd (63 points) and Hagred came 1st (66 points). The winning team (which included Gavin Davidson, Dave Bamforth and Andrew Herbert) kindly donated their £30 winnings back to the bowls club.
- many thanks to the Social Committee for their hard work and to the rugby club who provided the venue and bar.
- the raffle made £214 and thanks to Liz and Ajit for selling the raffle tickets. Also thanks to Rose and Christine for being ‘on the door’, to Pat for getting some great raffle prizes, to Eileen for all her work with the food, and to Paul for helping a lot on the night and for securing the sponsorship from Pure Vans in Newport.
Just a reminder that the coffee mornings will resume on the last Friday in March and that the summer quiz will take place sometime in June, with the Race Night in July. B.I.
- over 90 people attended and we made an overall profit of £667.86 - a great effort! The atmosphere was excellent & people really enjoyed themselves.
- 14 teams competed and the scores were pretty close, with four teams tied for 3rd place on 62 points (tie-break won by Owen’s Team); The Universally Challenged Team came 2nd (63 points) and Hagred came 1st (66 points). The winning team (which included Gavin Davidson, Dave Bamforth and Andrew Herbert) kindly donated their £30 winnings back to the bowls club.
- many thanks to the Social Committee for their hard work and to the rugby club who provided the venue and bar.
- the raffle made £214 and thanks to Liz and Ajit for selling the raffle tickets. Also thanks to Rose and Christine for being ‘on the door’, to Pat for getting some great raffle prizes, to Eileen for all her work with the food, and to Paul for helping a lot on the night and for securing the sponsorship from Pure Vans in Newport.
Just a reminder that the coffee mornings will resume on the last Friday in March and that the summer quiz will take place sometime in June, with the Race Night in July. B.I.
****** Winter Quiz ******
Our first social event of the year takes place on Friday 27th January at 7:00 pm at Pentyrch Rugby Club. It's the first opportunity to get together in the new year as there will be no Coffee Morning this month. Please support the event: an enjoyable evening with a great quiz and light supper for just £5. Tickets to be bought in advance from people on the poster.
Time to start looking forward to the new outdoor season too! |